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Providence Technologies, Inc.

New Mexico's only full-service 3D seismic acquisition contractor, data processing, and interpretation company.Published expertise in complex carbonates, imaging bypassed porosity, and overthrust imaging.  Pre-stack depth imaging, modeling and field survey parameter design.  Turnkey seismic data acquisition, processing, interpretation, mapping and project delivery.
Providence maintains some 4,000 industry geoscience, engineering and management relationships in the U. S. and Canada.  We conduct both exclusive and non-exclusive seismic data acquisition and processing.
We collaborate with world-class science and engineering experts across the industry for unconventional and conventional explortion, development and drilling.  Providence leads a fully funded applied R&D consortium in collaboration with New Mexico's 2 national laboratories, Sandia and Los Alamos, in the area of "Direct Porosity Detection" in complex carbonate reservoirs, focusing upon strategic bypassed reserves in producing fields.
Providence owns patent-pending "Guided Beam" seismic imaging technology, to more fully illuminate imaging targets in the subsurface with directed seismic energy.


Jim Manatt
P.O. Box 392
400 N Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 690
Roswell ,NM 88202-0392
(575) 623-7600
(575) 624-1569 fax.